What does the April 2024 Mercury retrograde mean for all the star signs? - Yasmin Boland
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As you might know, Mercury is now retrograde…

So what does the April 2024 Mercury retrograde mean for all the signs?

Mercury is the communications planet so the retrograde (when Mercury appears to go backwards in the skies) can be a very confusing time … but also allows you redo, revise and rethink, depending on which part of your chart it’s hitting.

Read your Rising Sign if you know it, for a more accurate prediction of what to expect during this cycle. (You can find your Rising Sign out for free at www.moonmessages.com/freechart)

1. Aries: Mercury is retrograde in your Me Me Me Zone – it’s all about self and appearances. This invites you to rethink and revamp your personal look and how you present yourself to the world.

2. Taurus: Mercury is retrograde in your Fear Zone. Time to work through your old fears and reflect and reconsider aspects of your spiritual life (or lack thereof!)

3. Gemini: Mercury is retrograde in your Hopes and Dreams Zone, and is also influencing your social life. Re-evaluate your wishes and goals – and the people you associate with…

4. Cancer: Mercury is retrograde in your Career Zone and influencing your public image. Reassess your professional path, correcting course if necessary.

5. Leo: In your Travel, Philosophy, and Higher Learning Zone. This Mercury retrograde is a period to rethink your beliefs, educational pursuits, or plans related to long-distance travel. Also revisit favourite places.

6. Virgo: Mercury is retrograde in in your 8th house of Intimacy and Shared Resources. Expect second chances to do with sex and money!

7. Libra: In your Love and Partnerships Zone, this Mercury retrograde is a key time to reassess your personal and professional relationships. Old lovers can reappear!

8. Scorpio: Falling in your Daily Life Zone, this retrograde urges you to reorganize your day-to-day life and habits, aiming for efficiency and increased well-being.

9. Sagittarius: Mercury is retrograde in your Fun Zone, relating to creativity, romance, and children. It’s an invitation to rethink your sources of fun, romance, creativity and relationships with kids (your own or someone else’s).

10. Capricorn: Taking place in your Home Zone. This Mercury retrograde cycle a time to reconsider your living situation and all your home and family relationships.

11. Aquarius: Mercury is retrograde in your Communications Zone, also influencing short trips. Reevaluate how you well you communicate and process information.

12. Pisces: Mercury is retrograde in your Cash and Values Zone. It’s urging you to a review your financial strategies and personal values, to align more closely with your true priorities.

When do we go into Mercury retrograde; is it location specific?

Mercury retrograde started on April 1 and lasts to April 25. It’s not location specific – it’s around the entire planet!

Dos and don’t when Mercury is retrograde…

Mrx Quiz - SideMercury is retrograde in the sign of Aries…

Here are 5 things to do for that from my Mercury retrograde book

1. Look before you leap.
2. Stop talking and start listening!
3. Re‑find your vavavavoom
4. Reassess recent personal decisions.
5. Focus on motivating yourself rather than those around you.

Is this April 2024 overall significant in any way?

April 2024 is hugely significant!

We have Mercury retrograde now, then the New Moon eclipse tomorrow and on April 21, we have a once-every-14-years alignment between the planet of plenty, Jupiter, and the planet of change, Uranus – so big shifts are possible!

I would say harness the energy – think about where you want to go in life and the steps needed to get there!

Anything you’d like to add about Mercury retrograde?

Mercury retrograde can bring travel and communications issues but don’t think of it as only difficult or annoying. It’s also a time of second chances when you can redo, rethink, revisit, revise, revamp and repair!

If you want to understand the basics of Mercury retrograde, grab my free Mercury Retrograde Survival Kit at https://moonmessages.com/survive

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