4 steps to manifesting with the Moon successfully - Yasmin Boland

Manifesting with the Moon is a life-changing practice that ANYONE can do (but especially women!)

All you have to understand is that the Moon moves through one lunar cycle every month – in fact, that is where the word MONTH comes from – from the olde word MOONTH!

Tapping into the cycles Moon to manifest your desires and intentions is easier than you might think.

Paring the practise back to essentials, there are four steps you need to consider

  1. Clarity of Intention

    You might expect that the first step would be the close your eyes and make a heartfelt wish, right? And there is definitely power in doing that. A really powerful wish can see you take a quantum leap from one reality to another. But that’s not as easy as we might like it to be! So first ingredient to manifesting with the Moon successfully is nearly always having a clear intention of what you want to manifest. There is HUGE power in doing this.

  2. Alignment with the Moon’s Phases

    Next  up if you’re serious about doing what magical women have done for millennia, the second step to manifesting with the Moon successfully is aligning YOURSELF with the energy of the Moon. That means starting to understand the 4 main phases and knowing more or less where you are in the Moon cycle, The Moon actually has 8 different phases, and each phase has its own unique energy – but even just knowing the main four is an amazing start. To align yourself with the Moon’s energy, you need to understand each phase’s energy and work with it accordingly. (I have a free training all about that coming up next week – click here to register!)

  3. Rituals and Practices

    The third step manifesting with the Moon successfully is one of the most fun and inspiring in my opinion; incorporate rituals and ceremonies into your routine. These help you connect with the Moon’s energy and more importantly, with your own POWER, including your power to manifest. Once you know the basics of the four elements – Fire, Earth, Air and Water – you can create your own rituals depending on which sign the Moon is in, or follow established rituals, such as those I’ve been teaching for 20+ years; creating a New Moon intention-setting ceremony or a Full Moon releasing ceremony. Rituals help you to embody your intentions.

  4. Surrender and Trust That All Will Be Well

    The final ingredient to manifesting with the Moon successfully is in some ways the most important. It’s to surrender and trust. Surrender your wishes and intentions to the Divine and trust that the universe will respond to your desires in the perfect way. When you let go of control, trust and surrender to the Divine, you allow the Universe/God/Goddess/Source/Spirit to work magic in your life!

If you want to know more about this magical stuff, join me next week for my FREE 3-part Working With The Magic of the Moon training. It’s going to be on Zoom, you can ask questions live and if you can’t make the live, there will be a replay!

During this free three-part event, you’ll learn about everything here in more detail including:

> How to use the phases of the Moon to consciously create whatever you desire in your life

> The secret power behind making wishes at the time of the New Moon

> How the Moon can influence—and enhance—your day-to-day life

> Practices and exercises to supercharge your manifesting potential

You will also go into the running to a personalized reading from me all about your love and money Moons in 2023, (but only if you’re with me live on the final day!)

Click here to register for free.

See you there and remember, reach for the Moon!

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