When Venus and Saturn clash... things that make you go OUCH! - Yasmin Boland

When the planets clash it can feel a bit like things are clashing and clanging down here on planet Earth.

This week – tomorrow in fact – we have a clash between Saturn and Venus.

Honestly it heralds tension and conflict connected to love and money, relationships and abundance. There’s really no other way to slice it.

Saturn is the planet of restrictions and discipline. Venus is the planet of love and abundance and romance and relationships.

When there’s a clash between these two planets, then we can have a clash that’s related to relationships and money or money and love or money in your relationship or with your ex, all that kind of stuff.

There can also be a clash between what we want to do and what we really should do if we are living up to our responsibilities.

The good news is that Venus clashing with Saturn can also bring an opportunity to learn something really important.

We can be forced to confront our fears, face up to our insecurities and that’s going to make us a better person.

The more we know ourselves, the happier we’re going to be – hopefully!

Legend has it that ‘Know Thyself’ was carved into stone at the entrance to Apollo’s temple at Delphi in Greece.

Once we really know ourself, we start to see our patterns and once we see our patterns, we are in a position to make changes if we choose to.

So while the Venus clash Saturn, so while the Venus Saturn clash today could be a little bit tricky, it could also help us really become a more solid individual, let’s put it like that.

Or stronger.

Or more stable.

So don’t wish the Venus Saturn clash away, work with it.

As Lau Tzu said: “(S)he who knows others is wise; (s)he who knows herself is enlightened.”
Knowing yourself is amazing.

If you’d also like to know where the upcoming eclipse is taking place in YOUR chart, get my free mini-guide here!

CV Meditation - Below Post