Sometimes it's easier to just let go... - Yasmin Boland
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Holding on to a toxic relationship or a job that is harming your mental health is never a good idea.

Yet, so many of us find ourselves in situations like this, unsure of how to move forward or make a change.

We cling to what we know, even if it’s causing us pain or discomfort, because the unknown can be scary.

But the truth is, we often have more options than we realize – it’s just that those options are impossible to see until we have let go of the past.

And as we move through the waning cycle of the Moon towards the New Moon eclipse, NOW is the time to release what no longer serves us.

This is a time of release, a time to let go of old patterns and ways of being that are holding us back.

It’s a time to acknowledge that we deserve better and that we have the power to create the life we truly want.

Releasing toxic relationships and harmful jobs can be a painful process, but obviously it’s ultimately for the best; when we let go of what no longer serves us, we create space for new opportunities and experiences to come into our lives.

We allow ourselves to grow and evolve, and we open ourselves up to the infinite possibilities that the universe has in store for us.

It can be difficult to let go of what we know, especially when we’re afraid of the unknown.

But when we hold on to toxic relationships or soul-destroying jobs, we’re essentially saying to ourselves that we don’t deserve better. We’re settling for less than we truly want and deserve, and that can have a detrimental effect on our mental and emotional well-being.

That’s why it’s so important to let go of what no longer serves us, especially during times of powerful energy like the upcoming April 20 New Moon eclipse.

We can use this time to release what is holding us back and make space for something better to come into our lives and then set super powerful intentions at the time of the eclipse. Click here to find out more about doing that.

So if you’re feeling stuck in a toxic relationship or a harmful job, know that you have options.

Know that there is a better way, and that by releasing what no longer serves you, you create space for something better to come into your life.

Trust in the universe and have faith that everything is happening for your Highest Good on some level.

Let go of the past and embrace the infinite possibilities of the present and future…

Remember that you deserve the very best that life has to offer, and don’t settle for anything less!

Want to know how to eclipse is likely to play out for you? Click here to find out – if you dare!

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