Refresh and reset your 2024 - Yasmin Boland
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So how are you feeling about 2024 so far?

If you want to make make it different and better, if you want to make the second half of the year different and better, then there’s some astrological energy that you can tune into…

No. 1 of which, I think, is the fact that in September and October, we are going to be having eclipses.

First of all, we’ll have the Full Moon eclipse in the sign of Pisces … and then the New Moon eclipse in the sign of Libra.

So that means there’s going to be a chance to just release the past … and also chance to start over when it comes to romance and riches (because the Libra New Moon is ruled by the planet Venus…)

If you have my Moonology diary from this year, you can look in there – there’s all the information you need about the eclipses and what what they mean, what the positives are, what the challenges are, where the eclipses will be in YOUR chart, based on your time, date and place of birth…

And if you don’t have my diary from this year, I’m afraid it’s sold out BUT the one for next year is on sale (and it will sell out as well – they always do!)

Get the diary and get a free workshop too (and other great bonuses!)

If you buy it from you’ll also get a ticket to my Refresh + Reset workshop coming up on July 28th where I’ll look in depth at the astrology for the second half of 2024 – the eclipses and more!

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