Capricorn Daily Horoscope – April 8 2020 - Yasmin Boland

Today brings the Full Moon in Libra, the sign of relationships. This affects us all in different ways however it creates a common theme; now is the time to work in your most important connections with other people. In lockdown, times can be tense – all the better for us to strengthen our characters as we realise who really matters to us! Catch my Full Moon ceremony here.

Where is the Full Moon for you?

If you’ve been hiding yourself away and generally keeping a low profile, watch out! The skies are suggesting rather loudly that it’s time for you to step out of the shadows and back into the limelight. As tempting as it might be to slouch around at home, this Full Moon in your 10th House of Career is telling you it’s time to invest some emotional energy into your professional life. Even if your work has been the source of annoyance lately, don’t give up. For some, a work situation or project comes to an end now. Don’t panic. Remember, the Universe abhors a vacuum and something new will come in, in its place, soon enough. How committed are you to your goals?

About that Full Moon…

We have a (free!) Full Moon worksheet to help you process all the emotions coming up here.