The 6 best ways to tune into the Leo New Moon - Yasmin Boland
The New Moon in Leo 2020 will take place at:

London: 19 Aug at 3:41
Sydney: 19 Aug at 12:41
LA: 18 Aug at 19:41
New York: 18 Aug at 22:41
Somewhere else? Click here for times around the world.

Please note this information comes from my best-selling book Moonology

1. Show off

The Leo New Moon is a time to celebrate life. And we all get to enjoy it, no matter what our sign. The Leo energy is generous, fun, magnanimous, and even a tad showy-offy. But guess what, we all have Leo in our chart somewhere, and this month, that part of your chart is being triggered. As Oprah Winfrey says: ‘The more we praise and celebrate our lives, the more we have to praise and celebrate.’ This is also a great time to take a holiday, so dream up your next getaway.

2. Flirt!

The Leo energy is also about the fun of flirtation and you’re never too old for that! On the days after the New Moon in Leo, there’s a good chance you’ll feel a good buzz in the air. Whether you’re with your beloved and seeking a few thrills or single and ready to mingle, bring sexy back. Enjoy a romantic evening: wine and dine someone; if you’re single, wine and dine a friend, just for the pure fun of it.

3. Be creative

Too many people completely neglect their creativity. We all have a creative streak. For some of us, it comes out in art. For others, in the kitchen or doing crafts, or dreaming up wonderful holiday itineraries, or even creating mind-blowing spreadsheets. Whatever creativity means to you, now is the time to get back in touch with that part of you. Doing this once a year, at the time of the Leo New Moon, means it never gets to lie dormant for too long. Adults are so often serious. The Leo New Moon brings a chance to lighten up.

4. Love thyself

Pay something forward. Be giving. Open your heart. Leos get a lot of stick for boasting about themselves, but do you know what I say? Good on them. One of the most important things we can do for our wellbeing is to love ourselves. Use the power of this month’s New Moon to get back in touch with what’s so great about you. This doesn’t have to be about arrogance. It’s about self-love, and love is never arrogant. Work on your confidence and your leadership skills.

5. Spoil thyself

And then spoil someone you love. Indulge. Live a little! Leo is represented by the bright, hot Sun. When the New Moon is in Leo, it’s time to walk your walk, talk your talk, shake your shimmy and generally remember that you’re a hot little number with a lot to offer the world. There are no prizes for hiding your light under a bushel, right?

If you love to work with the Moon, you will love the (free) Moon Lite Collective

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