We are at the First Quarter Moon phase.
This time around, it’s in the sign of Aquarius.
So it’s time to…
It’s time to release your grip on a situation. Passion is good, but too much can become manic. Sometimes we feel too much intensity around our dreams because we’re scared they won’t come true, but that’s counterproductive.
Live and let live a little. State your intention to the Universe then… detach.
Trust the Universe and see what happens.
The tighter your grip now, the more likely you are to lose out. This is doubly true if you’ve been jealous or had issues to do with sex or money. Avoid trying too hard to influence someone else.
Manifesting mix
If you feel stuck, or you’re making someone else feel stuck, you need to tread carefully. Sometimes stuck people behave recklessly.
Manifesting mindset
When this card comes up there’s a risk that you’re being too rigid in your thinking, words or actions. Loosen up and you’ll find it easer to overcome the challenges you’re facing.
Tune in to your manifesting powers
The Third Eye chakra (Ajna) is located just above the midpoint between your eyebrows, and it allows you to see beyond life’s illusions to the truth: that you’re an amazing being here to manifest your dreams.
Let go and allow yourself to be filled with its Divine indigo light, healing you and your family line. Hold this card to your Third Eye and call in its energies with these words:
‘Energies of the First Quarter Moon in Aquarius, thank you for showing me that it’s okay to be me!’
When to manifest your magic
The best time to work your magic is when the Moon is in Aquarius, on a Saturday (Saturn’s day) or during Saturn’s hour.
The First Quarter Moon in Aquarius takes place when the Sun is in Scorpio and the Moon is in Aquarius. It knows that sometimes to make magic you have to let go.
This information is taken from my beautiful Moonology Manifestation cards
Feminine Wisdom Symposium
Journey through this specially curated day of feminine wisdom and create the vibrant life you know you are born for.
Feminine energy has a powerful and transformative effect on the world.
Learn directly from experts leading the way in their field and harness this unique opportunity to spend the day in the presence of the people making an impact in our collective consciousness.
Join us for a deep dive into practical techniques, processes and experiences at our especially curated event honouring the power of feminine wisdom inside each and every person.
In this special event, your teachers will be guiding you on an advanced journey with practical tools and techniques that have not yet been shared in their workshops with us before, starting with Sunday Times best-selling author, astrologer and creator of Moonology, Yasmin Boland.