Manifesting can be easier today if... - Yasmin Boland

If you’re into manifesting, then you already know that feeling good is half the battle.

But if you’re not feeling too great at the moment, there’s good news: today brings some very positive energy that should help lift your spirits.

The Sun is making its annual conjunction with Jupiter, the planet of good luck and good times.

This means we should all start feeling a little more optimistic about life.

If you’re not feeling the vibe, take a moment to think about three things in your life for which you are truly grateful.

Jupiter loves to feel good, and gratitude will always help put you in a good space.

This simple exercise could really shift your energy and help you feel more positive.

Remember, the Law of Attraction states that like attracts like, so it’s crucial that we do what we can to feel good about life.

Of course, there will always be dramas and upsets, and it’s important to process them. (Meditation is one of the best ways to work through our upsets, and you don’t have to have a breakdown to have a breakthrough.)

But on a day like today, when the stars are very much on our side, it’s worth trying to shift our mindset with practices like gratitude.

We are now on the homestretch to the New Moon eclipse, which is taking place on April 20th.

The better state of mind we can be in when that hits, the better!

Eclipse-alchemy-side-bannerIf you want to learn more about working with eclipse energy and making the most of this powerful time, join me for my Eclipse Alchemy masterclass on April 20th.

We will be meditating at the exact moment of the eclipse and I’ll help you understand what the eclipse means for you and how to make the most of these rare and powerful energies.

So remember; today brings positive energy, and it’s important to focus on feeling good and cultivating gratitude, if you want to attract more to feel good about.

The law of attraction states that like attracts like, so by feeling good and positive, we can attract more of the same into our lives.

So think about what you do want and not about what you don’t want!

Join me for my Eclipse Alchemy workshop and let’s make the most of this powerful time together!

CV Meditation - Below Post