The New Moon eclipse is almost here, and as we head towards it, it’s normal to feel a little apprehensive about what the future could bring.
Will things go your way? Will you manifest your dreams? Or does your soul have some unavoidable learning to do?
The energy surrounding a New Moon is always a bit more intense, and with an eclipse in the mix, it’s understandable why many people are feeling particularly challenged right now.
However, there is some good news on the horizon! So let’s focus on that…
The Moon is currently in the zodiac sign of Pisces, known for its calming and soothing qualities. Pisces energy encourages us to go with the flow and trust in the universe’s natural rhythms, making it the perfect sign to have around during a time of intense transformation.
Furthermore, the Moon will be harmonizing with three planets today – Mercury, Uranus, and Neptune.
These alignments indicate that today should be a relatively easier day than the last few.
It’s a bit like when the grey clouds lift … even if less-threatening white clouds take their place, bringing a sense of clarity and hope.
Of course, it’s important to remember that each person’s experience of this energy will be unique.
Want to change your life? More than ever, the time is now!
Some people may feel the effects more strongly than others, depending on their individual birth chart and astrological makeup.
It also depends on how much you are or are not resisting the changes taking place.
If you’re curious about what the eclipse is likely to mean for YOU personally, take a look at Moonology’s New Moon Eclipse Alchemy mini-guide.
Or go the whole hog and sign up now for my Masterclass which will offer you a mix of guided meditations, affirmations, and insights into how to harness the powerful energy of the eclipse to manifest your desires and make positive changes in your life.
Ultimately, it’s important to remember that while astrological events like the New Moon eclipse can be intense, they also provide an opportunity for growth and transformation.
Staying open…
By staying open to the energy and focusing on positive intentions, we can make the most of this powerful cosmic energy and come out the other side feeling stronger and more empowered than ever before.
So, whether you’re feeling the effects of the eclipse or just enjoying a relatively calm day, be sure to take some time to tune into your inner wisdom and embrace the energy of the universe. With a little intention and a lot of faith, anything is possible!
Get the free mini-guide to where the eclipse is taking place for you…