If someone is pushing your buttons... - Yasmin Boland

Today brings a clash between communications planet Mercury and the wounded healer, Chiron.

This cosmic connection calls for heightened compassion and kindness, reminding us of the importance of being KIND, even when faced with challenging circumstances/people!

As the saying goes, “Least said, soonest mended.”

Here are a few thoughts about how to navigate these energies by embracing the healing power of empathy

Mercury: The Messenger of Communication

Mercury, the planet of communication, governs our thought processes, reasoning abilities, and the way we express ourselves.

In our natal chart and by transit, it influences how we perceive and share information, verbally and non-verbally.

When Mercury is in alignment, our interactions tend to be smooth, and our words flow effortlessly. However, when Mercury is clashing like it’s doing today, discord can arise, and misunderstandings and conflicts can happen…

Chiron: The Wounded Healer

Chiron, on the other hand, represents our deepest emotional wounds and the healing journey we embark upon to find resolution.

It symbolizes the pain and vulnerabilities we carry and the lessons we learn from our experiences.

Chiron’s presence reminds us to address our inner wounds with compassion, as well as extend that compassion to others who may be going through their own healing processes.

Yes, this **** is deep!

Clash of Communication and Healing

When Mercury clashes with Chiron as it’s doing today, we get the opportunity to observe and work with the tension between communication, hurt and healing.

Our sensitivities are heightened, so it’s easier for our buttons to be pushed… Our wounds are more tender, and the potential for misunderstandings or conflicts to arise becomes greater…

The Importance of Kindness

So today, being kind becomes paramount.

Recognize that others may also be grappling with their own emotional battles, even if you have no idea what their challenges are.

Instead of reacting impulsively or allowing frustration to get the best of you if someone is pushing all your buttons, be as restrained as you can be and even consider the idea of extending a hand of understanding.

Empathy as a Healing Tool

Try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. See yourself through their eyes. That makes it easier to react with kindness and compassion, even if/when their words or actions trigger you.

Everyone carries their own wounds. We know that.

So create a space for healing, for yourself and those around you.

Listen and try to understand before responding to something which upsets you, and choose your words carefully…

The Power of Silence

The old adage “Least said, soonest mended” holds true today!

Sometimes, the most powerful response is gentle silence. Not sulking but just not engaging in arguments or debates. That we can diffuse tension and prevent further dramas.

Taking a step back to assess our emotional state and respond with at least understanding or even love and compassion at best can help us avoid exacerbating upsets or causing unnecessary pain…

So as Mercury clashes with Chiron today, remember the delicate balance between communication, hurting and healing.

Exercise as much kindness and empathy as you can muster, even if you don’t feel like you’re being shown a lot of this.

Every time we respond with compassion, we take a step towards creating an environment that fosters healing, growth, and understanding.

Words have power – but so does silence!

Use the energies today to pave the way for reconciliation and harmony.

If you want to learn more about working with the astrological energies, sign up for my “free” Reclaim 2023 workshop which is all about making the most of the rest of the year – link is here.