What you said to me.... - Yasmin Boland

This weekend just gone I drove up and back to Birmingham in one day, to host a workshop at the Mind, Body, Spirit event.

It was great fun to be back at the MBS.

I had about 2 hours walking around the show before I did my workshop and had LOADS of people coming up to me to say hi… and two things really stood out to me:

1. SOOOOOOOOO many people came up to me and the first thing they said was that they love my Mainly Moonology podcast.

I was actually really surprised! I mean, I know it’s doing well and we get thousands of downloads each week but the fact that SO many people mentioned it really pleased me. I guess it’s not like writing a post on Facebook or Instagram where you get people commenting – you really don’t know who is listening!

So if you haven’t tuned in yet, apparently it’s really good and worth listening to! Click here to listen (and please subscribe!)

2. The second thing which REALLY delighted me were the comments I had from people there about my Moonology Diaries.

Here’s the thing; I created these a few years ago, more or less based on what I knew I would love to have – they are diaries which gives you all the info about the astrology every month and then space to do “work”, like making New Moon wishes and doing Full Moon release work.

Actually as I write now, I realise that they are sort of like an extension of the Cosmic Column I did in the Sunday Telegraph for years! But with worksheets.

Anyway, the overwhelming feedback I had from people about how they love the diary really thrilled me.YOU GUYS GET IT! You said that the diary kept you on track, showed your the way and changed your life.


And by the way, these were not people saying this because I asked – they were comments people make without any prompting from me.

So thank you all!

If you don’t have your Moonology Diary 2024 and/or if you do and you want more, click here and you can get a copy of the Diary and the new Desk Calendar as well as a ton of bonuses!

MD 2025 - Below Post