Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius - Yasmin Boland
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We are at the Last Quarter Moon phase.

Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius

This time around, it’s in the sign of Sagittarius.

So it’s time to…

Practise Gratitude

The good news is that even though you have some issues that need tackling, they’re nothing that you can’t manage.

More good news is that the best way for you to clear the air and reach a breakthrough right now (so you can get your life to go the way you wish it to) is to have a good old‐fashioned laugh.

It’s all too easy to take life too seriously. This card urges you to take a lighter approach to life if you want to manifest your dreams.

Manifesting mix

It’s great to be earnest, but there’s a time and a place. Don’t entertain superficial feelings, as these are no better than fake ones.

Manifesting mindset

Being open to life will make you open to manifesting. Get in touch with your mystical side and have fun with it!

Manifesting magic

These crystals work especially well for the sign of Sagittarius: Amazonite, Gold Tiger’s Eye, Blue Tiger’s Eye, Citrine, Lapis Lazuli or any Agate.

Choose one and hold it while you meditate, visualizing a stunning blue‐green light swirling around you. Alternatively, keep your crystal close by as you work through your situation, or use five or six to make a crystal grid.

Your manifestation affirmation

‘Life loves me and I love life.’

When to manifest your magic

The best time to work your magic is when the Moon is in Sagittarius, on a Thursday (Jupiter’s day) or during Jupiter’s hour.

The Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius takes place when the Sun is in Pisces and the Moon is in Sagittarius. It knows that some fires should be left burning.

From my beautiful Moonology Manifestation cards


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