First Quarter Moon in Gemini - Yasmin Boland

We are at the First Quarter Moon phase.

This time around, it’s in the sign of Gemini.

So it’s time to…

Speak Your World into Being

Think about what you want. Do you really believe you can create it?

Do you believe you have what it takes or do you secretly doubt yourself? (Worse, are you quietly preparing for failure? Say it ain’t so!)

Here’s the thing: you can’t fool the Universe. Repeated affirmations that you don’t believe are a waste of time. Believe in your magic.

If someone has spoken or written unkind words to you, counter them with kind words to yourself. Try it. Speak your world into being. Talk about it as though it’s already happening.

Manifesting mix

Here you’re being asked to feel your way through a situation that’s partly sacred and partly mundane. Be compassionate and clever.

Manifesting mindset

Ask your soul to speak to you. Listen to your heart and not your mind. Write lists of your goals.

Tune in to your manifesting powers

The Throat chakra (Vishudha) is found at the base of the throat and is a beautiful sky blue colour. It helps you to express yourself. What words are you speaking, to yourself and others?

Imagine yourself in a column of bright and breezy sky blue. Call in the Gemini constellation and say these words as you press this card to the base of your throat:

‘Energies of the First Quarter Moon in Gemini, thank you for helping me to raise my thoughts and so my vibration!’

When to manifest your magic

The best time to work your magic is when the Moon is in Gemini, on a Wednesday (Mercury’s day) or during Mercury’s hour.

The First Quarter Moon in Gemini takes place when the Sun is in Pisces and the Moon is in Gemini. It knows that dreams can come true – and a plan helps.

From my beautiful Moonology Manifestation cards

I Can Do It

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