What to do before the April 8 New Moon eclipse - Yasmin Boland

As we head into the eclipse season, the most important thing you can do is… let it all go….

Here’s the thing.

The law of attraction is real and what you put out is what you get back.

The new Moon eclipse on April 8th is going to be an amazing time for manifesting.

They’re calling it the Great American Eclipse (more about that tomorrow) but what you need to know now is this eclipse is for EVERYONE EVERWHERE…

But you also need to know this; it’s not just the wishes you make at New Moon that create your reality.

Wishes are great to help you decide what you want. #clarity

But you are also manifesting just from whatever it is that you’re thinking about yourself, about other people, about life.

So use the period from the Full Moon eclipse, which is happening in Libra at the end of March, to the New Moon eclipse on April 8 to release the CRUD.

After the Full Moon eclipse in Libra at the end of March, we then move into the Waning Cycle.

That means from Full Moon eclipse to New Moon eclipse, it’s time to let go of all the negativity.

Yasmin-Boland-Side Banner-ICDIThen, when you come to the New Moon, guess what? You will be radiating whatever it is that you need to radiate to make your dreams come true.

Essentially, Moon manifesting is about raising your vibration so that you match the vibration that you will be vibrating at when your wish manifests.

The Moon is the perfect conduit for this because it’s all about emotions.

So use the next Waning Cycle (from the full moon eclipse at the end of March to the new moon eclipse on April 8th) to let negativity go.

Therefore, what you’re putting out will be positive … and what you get back will be positive.

More about this (and my free eclipse workshop) soon!

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