Get Ready for the New Moon Eclipse: Manifestation Power at Its Peak - Yasmin Boland

Get Ready for the New Moon Eclipse: Manifestation Power at Its Peak

Did you know that the reason you’re reading this right now might be because of an eclipse? Many years ago, an eclipse hit my chart in a way that completely shifted my life. It was during this time that astrology truly revealed its magic to me, and I discovered how Moonology is a secret source of powerful information.

To keep it brief, I was completely off track in life—unsure of my path and feeling lost. Then, a New Moon eclipse took place on my Sun, and everything changed. It wasn’t a smooth ride, but the long-term effects have been life-changing and deeply transformational.

Why am I sharing this with you? Because there’s a New Moon eclipse coming up on October 2/3, depending on where you are in the world, and it got me thinking: How can I help you prepare for this momentous event?

Why the New Moon Eclipse Is Extra Powerful for Manifesting

Here’s what you need to know: New Moons are always a potent time for setting intentions and manifesting, but a New Moon eclipse? That’s next-level manifesting power.

An eclipse brings a rare opportunity to supercharge your desires and manifest them more effectively. It acts like a cosmic reset button—wiping the slate clean and giving you a chance to start fresh. But there’s one crucial step you need to take first, and it’s one I can’t stress enough: clearing out old energy.

Why You Need to Clear Out Old Energy Now

The energy you bring into the eclipse will impact how effectively you can manifest. This is where the Law of Attraction comes into play: like attracts like. If you’re holding onto negativity, disappointment, or limiting beliefs, that’s what you’ll continue to attract. But if you clear out that old energy, you make space for new, positive, and aligned manifestations to flow in.

This is why I created my free video, Between The Eclipses. In just over half an hour, I walk you through powerful techniques to help you release and clear out what’s no longer serving you. The more you clear now, the more powerful your manifestations will be when the eclipse hits.

Get Your Energy Ready for Manifestation

The key to making the most of this New Moon eclipse is preparation. Before you set those intentions, take the time to release, declutter, and align yourself with what you truly want to bring into your life. The more space you make, the more the universe can fill it with your desires.

Click here to access the free video and start your energetic reset today.

And remember, don’t just sign up—make time to watch it and truly commit to preparing for this powerful New Moon eclipse. Your future self will thank you!

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