The New Moon Eclipse: How It Affects You (and How to Prepare) - Yasmin Boland

The New Moon Eclipse: How It Affects You (and How to Prepare)

Yesterday, I mentioned that the upcoming New Moon eclipse at the start of October is happening in the sign of Libra.

And before you think, “But I don’t have Libra in my chart!”, let me explain.

Here’s the thing: We all have all 12 signs in our chart, no matter what your Sun sign is. Libra is somewhere in your chart, whether it rules your love zone, money zone, or communication zone. This is something I’ll go into in much more detail during my New Moon eclipse workshop in my members’ area on the day of the eclipse.

If you’re not already a member and would like to join, we’re currently running a $1 special offer for a 1-month trial. This won’t be available for much longer, so if you want to take advantage of it, CLICK HERE and sign up now!

But back to the eclipse—this powerful event is going to affect all of us in some way. It could give you a fresh start in your love life, finances, or even in how you communicate—areas that can have a massive impact on your life.

Before you dive into manifesting, though, it’s essential to do an energetic clear-out, and right now is the perfect time. We’ve just had the Full Moon eclipse, and we’re in the waning cycle of eclipse season. This is the ideal moment to release, let go, and clear out anything that’s no longer serving you.

Why is this important? Because like attracts like. If you release negativity, disappointment, or jealousy, you won’t draw more of that into your life.

Clearing your energy now is vital if you want to be a powerful manifestor at the time of the New Moon eclipse.
I’ve created a free video explaining all of this and offering some magical techniques you can use to clear out your energy. Click here to access the video.

And again, if you’re interested in joining my membership and taking advantage of the $1 offer, click here to get your invitation to the New Moon eclipse manifesting event. Don’t miss out!

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