The Power of Preparation: Aligning with the Eclipse for Success - Yasmin Boland

The Power of Preparation: Aligning with the New Moon Eclipse

What if I told you that your next big manifestation is already on its way—but you need to clear space to let it in? With the New Moon eclipse coming up on October 2/3, there’s a rare opportunity to hit the reset button on your life.

Eclipses bring change, and while that can feel intense, it’s also a gift. It’s a chance to release old patterns and make way for something better. But here’s the thing: The more you prepare before the eclipse, the more powerful your intentions will be after it.

Think of it like preparing a garden. You wouldn’t plant seeds without first clearing the weeds, right? In the same way, you need to clear out old energies, limiting beliefs, and clutter from your life to allow your desires to manifest.

That’s why I’ve created a free video called Between The Eclipses. It’s packed with tips and practices to help you get ready for this powerful event, so when the eclipse comes, you’ll be fully aligned and ready to receive.

Ready to start preparing? Click here for the free video and get your space—energetic and physical—cleared out before the eclipse!

New Moon Eclipse Image

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