An intense week leading up to the New Moon... - Yasmin Boland

Tarot Reading for Relationship and Money Struggles: Astrology & Manifesting Insights

This week’s astrological alignments bring some intense energies into our relationships and finances, particularly with the Sun square Pluto and Venus square Saturn. If you’re feeling the tension, you’re not alone! But don’t worry – in my latest podcast episode, I’m joined by Brigit Esselmont from Biddy Tarot to explore how Tarot can provide the guidance you need during these challenging times.

1. Navigating Power Struggles with the Knight of Wands

As the Sun squares Pluto, the energy this week is all about power struggles and control. Whether it’s a personal or professional conflict, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But Brigit shares some wisdom from the Knight of Wands tarot card, reminding us to stay on mission, remain passionate, and not get caught up in the noise of others’ agendas. Focus on what lights you up and trust in your path.

2. Venus Square Saturn: Love and Money Lessons

With Venus squaring Saturn, many of us are feeling the strain in our relationships or finances. The Page of Wands reversed highlights the need to step back and re-evaluate whether you’re pushing an agenda that truly matters. Are you creating unnecessary drama? This week is the perfect time to reflect on whether your actions align with your true desires and to clear up any unfinished business around money or love.

3. Letting Go Before the New Moon

As we approach the New Moon, we’re given a chance to release what no longer serves us. This week’s Quarter Moon in Leo encourages us to let go of pride and rigidity. The King of Swords represents fixed energy, reminding us to loosen our grip on control and embrace flexibility. If you’re feeling stuck, ask yourself where you need to soften and allow for change.

4. Intuitive Manifesting with Brigit Esselmont

Brigit also introduces her new book, Intuitive Manifesting, which focuses on co-creating with the universe using tarot and astrology. She emphasizes the importance of stepping into your future self – the version of you that has already achieved your desires. Instead of focusing solely on what you need to do, ask yourself who you need to be to attract your dream life.

Ready to dive deeper?
🎧 Listen to the full episode here: [Podcast Link]

For more guidance on how to use astrology and tarot to navigate these energies, and to learn about Brigit’s approach to manifesting, be sure to check out the podcast.

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