Aquarius Annual 2019 - Yasmin Boland

Want change? It’s coming!

2019 is going to be a big year with lots of chances for change and enlightenment.


The change-maker planet Uranus will settle into a new home this year and that will affect us all in different ways.

Plus we have 5 eclipses to help us out – eclipses are like portals to a new way of being, we just have to be bold enough to go through them!

And we have a series of rolling Jupiter/Saturn/Neptune links which will expose the phoniness of life and help people inch closer towards enlightenment.

My prediction; people are going to start to realise that manifesting is actually a THING.

Please have a listen to this audio I recorded for you about the astrology and moonology of 2019

Listen now

If you would like to know how it’s all going to play out in your own horoscope, I humbly and highly recommend my 49 page Create, Plan and Predict Your Life eZine which you can find here.