Are you ready to feel like you can do anything? - Yasmin Boland

Rituals and Ceremonies

Are you ready to feel like you can do anything? Are you ready to connect with your Higher Self and find your path? Are you ready to manifest your dream life?

I know that so many of you who have just done my 3 free Working With The Magic of the Moon trainings are more than ready!

(Haven’t signed up yet? You can still sign up here AND get access to all 3 trainings – but only if you’re quick!)

At yesterday’s session about Moon Rituals and Ceremonies, we talked about how you can bring magical energies into your life with super-simple daily rituals

I even shared some tips for a speedy 5-minute daily ritual that will help you to get on track in an instant.

So if you missed that, catch up now here because the replays are only up for a VERY short time!

Watch the replay now!

Wait! I need to sign up first!

Here’s the thing; when you start to show up for your Self and your spiritual side on a regular basis, that’s when life starts to change.

A daily chant, or card reading, or just lighting a candle and taking a moment to be grateful for the good in your life; that’s when the changes happen and they happen faster!

As Oprah said, the more we praise and celebrate our lives, the more we have to praise and celebrate.

It’s amazing but TRUE ! 🌟✨💖

So make sure you catch this third and final serving of Moon magic!

Moonology Certification Footer

Once you start to show up for yourself, the Moon will guide you

No matter what you want to manifest, as long as it harms no one, I want you to know that you can do it!

And if you watch today’s session here, you will also get a once-a-year only invitation to go even further with your Moon magic by doing my Moonology Certification course with a 50% discount!

The course is $398 US aka £333 approx., but for a VERY short time it’s just $199 US aka £166. Click here to get the discount before it disappears.

Whatever you’re dreaming of, I want you to know that you can achieve your goals and the fastest way to do that is through a regular Moon manifesting practise.

P.S. This is actually your last chance to watch the Working With The Magic of the Moon 2023 event replays – they will disappear very soon.

Click here to access yesterday’s replay before it comes down

P.S. Not signed up yet? Do it here while there is still time!