by Yasmin Boland | 3 hours ago | Virgo
As a Virgo, well there is one question which you need to be asked. Have you ever wanted to try Tantric sex? This really is the time to for it! Neptune, the planet of soul mates and all things unseen, is in your Sex Zone again, for a limited time only. It’s...
by Yasmin Boland | 3 hours ago | Scorpio
As a Scorpio, this is good news. You guys all work too hard anyway but now, the wafty planet Neptune in your 6th House of daily work means you should be able to float through your days a little more. Also, your working life will take on a new spiritual dimension if...
by Yasmin Boland | 3 hours ago | Capricorn
As a Capricorn, Neptune’s move is good news because it means you can now make your home your sanctuary, as Neptune moves into your 4th House of All Things Domestic. Life at home can become more serene. If you live in a flood-plagued area, it’s a great time...
by Yasmin Boland | 3 hours ago | Libra
As a Libra, this really is nothing short of amazing news. You’re being given a second chance to connect with someone on a soulmate level, for the next few months. You’re far more likely to feel you’re connected with The Right Person and that your most...
by Yasmin Boland | 3 hours ago | Leo
As a Leo, this is great news for you. For one thing it’s opening you up to the heavens so you can step back and see the big picture of your life and see how the Divine has played a hand in getting you where you are now. Writing about spirituality, studying it or...