by Yasmin Boland | 2 days ago | Aries
There could be confusion or a do-over re your image, your reputation and how others see you during this cycle. It could be time to make some important if superficial changes. Also a perfect time to change the way others see you. For example, now is a good time to...
by Yasmin Boland | 2 days ago | Scorpio
Expect to be doing some rethinking and reconsidering re your daily work and health routines. There could also be confusion in one of these areas. If you find an old health concern comes back at this time, try not to be alarmed and instead look at it as a chance to...
by Yasmin Boland | 2 days ago | Sagittarius
Don’t panic if there are delays or confusion connected to children, creativity and light-hearted romance. Mercury will be backwards in your 5th House and you’re having a chance to have a rethink about one or more of these subjects. There could also be confusion in one...
by Yasmin Boland | 2 days ago | Leo
Mercury retrograde is going on the part of your chart connected to your ‘cosmic path’ through life, and to adventure, study, travel and education. When Mercury goes backwards here you can expect to be doing some rethinking and reconsidering re one of these subjects....
by Yasmin Boland | 2 days ago | Gemini
For you it’s time to have another think re your friends and social networks, as well as re your hopes and dreams. The upside is that you’re in a position to acquire new insights into who your friends really are and what your main hopes and goals are. The downside is...