by Yasmin Boland | 1 day ago | Gemini, Weekly Gemini
Life is such a juggling act for you right now. You’re probably tempted to do as little work as possible and have as much fun as you can. If that’s a viable option for you, go for it. However the March Full Moon eclipse suggests if it’s not an option, you...
by Yasmin Boland | 1 day ago | Libra, Weekly Libra
The past doesn’t define your future, so don’t allow it. Not going to sugarcoat it, your love life needs your attention. End of story. You have to retrograde planets in there so rethink and revise and reconsider anything and everything to do with the people you allow...
by Yasmin Boland | 1 day ago | Aquarius, Weekly Aquarius
Be innovative when it comes to generating abundance and prosperity. Be aware that 2025 brings eclipses across your two Money Zones, starting now. It’s definitely time for you to make some changes regarding money. Don’t cling on to past ways of earning a...
by Yasmin Boland | 1 day ago | Moonchild, Weekly Moonchild
Trust that all the confusion is working out in your favour. On one hand, there is extra room for mix-ups and even upsets at work. On the other, you have some second chances when it comes to your professional life. If you didn’t get it right in 2024, now is your...
by Yasmin Boland | 1 day ago | Pisces, Weekly Pisces
When things are confusing, do remember your priorities. Your horoscope is kind of wild right now. You’re under the pump and being forced to work hard and be responsible, and now here comes eclipse energy in your love zone. All bets are off regarding your most...