Blog - Yasmin Boland
Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio

Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio

We are at the Last Quarter Moon phase. This time around, it's in the sign of Scorpio. So it's time to... Reveal What Needs To Be Seen There are some things that people just don’t like to talk about. Drawing this card suggests there’s an issue or situation in your life...

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The power of intention

The power of intention

I don’t know who needs to hear this but you need to think before you pick up the phone or shoot off that email/message!

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Pluto’s Big Shift: What does it mean for YOU?

Pluto’s Big Shift: What does it mean for YOU?

Pluto's Societal Shift If you've been keeping up with the astrological news, you know Pluto is changing signs this week. Most of what you read will probably focus on societal changes because Pluto's movement is hugely significant for humanity. It's not an exaggeration...

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First Quarter Moon in Aries

First Quarter Moon in Aries

We are now at the FIRST QUARTER MOON This time around, the First Quarter Moon is in the sign of Aries. So it's time to... Step Into Your Power Something is holding you back from racing towards your next goal. Achieving anything is nearly always part inspiration and...

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