5 Things to Do When Mercury Goes Retrograde in Sagittarius
5 Things to Do When Mercury Goes Retrograde in Sagittarius – very soon! We’ve all heard the warnings about Mercury retrograde, right? But let's be honest – most of what you hear about it is bad. It’s easy to get caught up in the doom and gloom, especially when...
Manifesting vs. Moonifesting: Why The Moon Makes All The Difference!
There’s the traditional manifesting route of vision boards, affirmations, and meditative visualization. But there’s also a path that aligns your desires with the cycles of the Moon…
Last Quarter Moon in Cancer
We are at the Last Quarter Moon phase... This time around, it's in the sign of Cancer. So it's time to... TAKE A BREATHER Sometimes situations start with much promise and then get fatigued or fizzle out. This is normal. If a situation is dragging on and everyone is...
Feeling angry? Here’s why!
The clash of Mars and Pluto provides an opportunity for profound transformations. Whether it’s a strained relationship or a professional challenge, you’ll find that confrontations lead to a purging of stagnant energies. A fresh start is possible.
Harness the Power of the Moon with Your Oracle Cards!
Moonology and oracle cards go hand in hand and create an amazing combo... Have you ever thought about how these two spiritual tools could intertwine? Here's one technique I bet you haven't tried yet... Pairing Moon's Sign with Oracle Cards Sometimes you have a burning...
Manifesting not working… this is probably why.
The thing is, in order for something to manifest, you have to truly believe it…
Do some breathwork this week!
THE FOLLOWING IS AN EXCEPRT FROM MY MAINLY MOONOLOGY PODCAST WHICH YOU CAN SUBSCRIBE TO FOR FREE HERE As the week begins, we are in the New Moon cycle. We've just had the New Moon. I hope you came and did the little mini New Moon session I did on Facebook. If you...
The Importance of Testing the Woo-Woo
Why Every Spiritual Person Should Journal When Pulling Oracle Cards
3 Good Reasons to Celebrate the Dark Moon (today!)
The Dark Moon is symbolic of the end of one cycle and the quiet before the start of another. In this stillness, we find the space to confront our own shadows — those negative thoughts, patterns, or emotions that might have accumulated over the past month…
Cleansing and activating your oracle cards
WHY CLEANSE AND ACTIVATE YOUR ORACLE CARDS? I've been getting some questions about the cleansing and activation ceremony I'm going to be doing at the launch party for my new Moonology Messages oracle cards. The launch party is taking place on September 19 - and one of...