New Moon Eclipse in Libra
We are at the New Moon phase. This time around, it's the New Moon in Libra. So, it's time to... KNOW YOU ARE LOVED There’s new or renewed love energy around you, be it familial, platonic, romantic or otherwise. Whether you’re single or attached, a new personal...
Making wishes or setting intentions is not enough…
Welcome to the magical time of the waxing Moon during the eclipse season! This is a time of high energy, powerful shifts, and unlimited potential. If you're ready to chase your dreams, to manifest your visions, and to live your best life, now is the time to do it!...
What do you want?
Welcome to the day after the eclipse, a time to harness the energy of transformation, growth, and possibility! If you're feeling a bit shaken up by the eclipse season, don't worry, it's all part of the cosmic plan to awaken your potential and guide you towards your...
[Eclipse today] This is BIG!
The eclipse today is big! Not only is it a New Moon, but it’s a New Moon eclipse, plus it’s the second New Moon in the sign of Aries in a row… and it’s clashing with Pluto. Let’s break all that down. As you hopefully know by now, every New Moon brings an amazing...
Here are the secrets to handling TOMORROW’S eclipse…
It’s important to be honest with yourself about what you need to release from your life, especially now as we approach the April 20 solar eclipse…
5am is a GREAT time to meditate! 😂
What time is the eclipse? The eclipse is coming soon! So if you've heard that the new moon eclipse is happening on April 19 and you've also heard it's happening on April 20, here's why. Obviously it's to do with time zones. So it's going to be taking place on...
So what’s a healing crisis?
Yesterday I talked about the fact that this week's eclipse on Thursday could bring about something of a healing crisis. So what's a healing crisis? It's actually defined as a time when the symptoms of an illness can get worse on their way to getting better. Like when...
That crisis you’re having? It could actually be healing..
Something you may not know about this week’s eclipse is really crucial, must-know information…
Are you ready to make some changes?
Visualize the kind of life you want to live and focus your energy on bringing that vision to fruition, ahead of the New Moon eclipse.
Want to change your life?
How you cope with the eclipse largely depends on how much you are or are not resisting the changes taking place…