Boost your intuition with oracle cards - Yasmin Boland

A very quick lesson in a really good way to start to boost your intuition.

And more specifically, how to use my new Moonology Messages cards to boost your intuition … because they are all about intuition.

First of all, shuffle the deck.

And then ask your most burning question.

I highly recommend you either write it in the comments or on a piece of paper because once you’ve written it down, you can’t pretend you didn’t really ask that.

Now, draw the card but keep it face down.

And summon your intuitive powers!

Is the card a card you want to get? Or are you going to get something you didn’t want to read about?

What’s your intuition telling you?

Turn the card over and see.

How right was your intuition?

Do this every day for 10 days and make a note of when your intuition works best.

Once you start to realise how powerful your intuition is, you’ll never leave home without it again.

And if you grab my Moonology Messages cards before they come out on September 19, guess what? You get a stack of bonuses as well.

Just go to

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