Capricorn Daily Horoscope – January 25 2020 - Yasmin Boland

Your daily forecast

So we have just had the New Moon. Did you make some wishes? And now here we are in a new cycle – the waxing cycle. That’s the stretch from New to Full Moon which lasts two weeks and is the time to GO FOR IT in terms of manifesting you dreams. Also today we have Mercury at the mid-point of its current visit to the sign of Aquarius. Mercury moves fast, though, and in just over a week, it will have move into Pisces. Which means you have just over a week to get some stuff done – remember to read your Rising Sign if you know for a more accurate forecast! (You can find that out for free here).

Money matters, and/or any agreements related to property and possessions should be sorted out sooner rather than later if possible now. Right now you have the planet of Mercury in your Second House of Cash making it easier for you to put your mind to your finances – in the very near future though, as Mercury moves into your Third House, you could find yourself with so much on your plate that some of the details slip under your radar. Get organised money-wise as best you can now and you’ll feel a lot more secure later.

It’s not too late to tune into the New Moon!

Get your free New Moon kit so you can make the most of it. It’s here.