Capricorn monthly horoscope – August 1 2018 - Yasmin Boland

The spotlight is on finances this month, and you may find that others (your mother, your spouse or boss for example) all have differing opinions about what, exactly; you should be doing with your money.

If you owe previous money, now would be a good time to square up if funds are available. You might be tempted to indulge in a little retail therapy, so try to be mindful of your spending to avoid impulse buys. If you must make a purchase, it would be wise to invest in something that will benefit the greater good.

The first week of August brings a period of deep self-reflection. Time spent alone now can be beneficial and healing, as you find yourself wanting to retreat from the public eye. Try meditation, if you don’t already do it. It’s super-easy to learn online.

You may feel drawn to the home and your family more than usual, and a little rest and relaxation might be just what you need, as well as some deep conversation for contemplating life’s little mysteries. Interactions with others will spur memories and feelings that inspire you to look deep within yourself and question your personal motives.

Things will intensify by the second week, as the Sun will join Mercury, the planet of communication, making conversations with others more emotional in nature, but deeply profound.

Think of the first week of the month as your prep period, as the second week brings fears and insecurities to the forefront, forcing you to acknowledge what has been holding you back. Talk to your parents or friends or even a counsellor. Just talk.

You will feel a sense of relief once you have admitted to yourself what the underlying issues were, and this revelation along with the new moon on August 11th, will allow you to make a fresh new start.

As the month ends, you will experience a transformation within your personal relationships, especially concerning your relationship with yourself. August 26ths full moon could inspire you to celebrate by taking an impromptu road trip or plan a brief weekend getaway to relax and renew. It will also be a very spiritual and creative time, where activities like painting, meditating, even daydreaming will be more appealing than usual. Your intuition will be especially strong now as well, so pay close attention to your dreams as they are the key to your happiness and will serve to guide you going forward.