Capricorn monthly horoscope – December 2018 - Yasmin Boland

People are keeping an eye on you – you can’t afford to slip up! The problem is that as December begins, you feel restless and want to do things in your own way. However, other people (parents, bosses) have ideas about how things should be done, and sometimes those ideas can conflict with yours. A gentler touch will help, especially if you’re dealing with someone who gets to call all the shots. A change in direction isn’t necessarily wrong, but you need to be certain what that direction actually is.

One thing you’re not very good at is keeping your plans to yourself. It isn’t that you shout out all the details, rather that somehow people seem to work out what you’re thinking and what you approve or disapprove of without you saying a word. It’s all down to your body language. Unless you’re really careful – and possibly even then – unspoken signals give your thoughts away. There’s not a lot you can do about that, except make sure you don’t get tempted into telling a barefaced lie – you’ll only get caught out. That’s especially true if you try to manipulate the situation to your advantage in some way.

Mid-month it becomes obvious that you do much better with a handful of close friends in your life rather than dozens of fair-weather friends. Strangely, that approach actually enhances your social life and you get more invitations to social events than before. It even gives you a chance for a bit of networking which can stand you in good stead later. Just remember when you’re chatting away that if you stumble on something secret, that doesn’t give you the right to share it with all and sundry. It might come in useful later, but for now just tuck it into a corner of your mind.