Capricorn Monthly Horoscope – January 2020 - Yasmin Boland

Information for all the signs

The good news is that 2020 is looking like a great year, overall. That said, it’s also going to kick off with some of the most incredible astrology the world has seen for decades. As you might have heard, January 2020 brings

– A Full Moon eclipse
– A Saturn/Pluto alignment, the exact likes of which hasn’t been seen since 1518!

We also get

– 25 New and Full Moons
– 6 eclipses total
– The Saturn/Pluto alignment which is EPIC. Saturn is the planet of karma and Pluto is the planet of transformation. Put them together like this and you can be sure there will be a lot of karma being served out!
– The move of Saturn into Aquarius, then back into Capricorn, and back into Aquarius again. Jupiter is the lucky planet so when he changes signs, everyone’s luck changes. More about that here.
– Some lovely Jupiter/Neptune alignments, perfect for those on the spiritual path
– Jupiter/Pluto alignments which are also rare and mind-blowing
– The move of Jupiter in Aquarius
– And more

Have an amazing 2020!

Your outlook for January 2020 in a nutshell…

Before you incarnated here on earth, you signed up for some big dharma. A lot of it is playing out now. This is an incredible time to be you. But what are you going to do with all the amazing planetary energies swirling? Use them to live out your life purpose. You also have luck on your side now too. Power date: January 12 – you have super-powers today. Be mindful!

You also need to know that…

There is an amazing and important once-a-generation alignment taking place, exact likes of which hasn’t been seen for hundreds of years. Saturn and Pluto are meeting up in the sign of Capricorn. Because they are both slow-moving planets, this happens only rarely. And the last time it happened in Capricorn was 1518!

So does this matter to anyone except Capricorn and Capricorn Rising people?

You bet your sweet rare alignment it does!

The fact is that we all have Capricorn somewhere on our chart – here’s a quick rundown of where it is for all the signs… read your Rising Sign if you know it, too!

What Saturn/Pluto is stirring up for all the signs…

ARIES – The 10th house: your career and ambitions; how you make your mark on the world: what you’re known for; your reputation.
TAURUS – The 9th house: study; travel; the Great Cosmic Quest; the internet; higher learning; religion; spirituality; dreams.
GEMINI – The 8th house: joint finances; credit cards; debts; sex; anything you consider taboo; inheritance; transformation.
MOONCHIILD – The 7th house: your lovers, your spouse and your ex; open enemies; any sort of partner, including business partners; cooperation and competition.
LEO – The 6th house: daily routines, including at work; your health; duty.
VIRGO – The 5th house: romance; creativity; kids (your own or someone else’s); pursuit of pleasure; love affairs.
LIBRA – The 4th house: home and family, all things domestic; where you belong; your past.
SCORPIO – The 3rd house: communications; siblings; neighbours; quick trips; early learning and education.
SAGITTARIUS – The 2nd house: cash, property and possessions; values, including how you value yourself.
CAPRICORN – The 1st house: your appearance and image; self-identity; how you come across to others. Your whole life!
AQUARIUS – The 12th house: the deepest, darkest, most sensitive part of your chart. Your fears; your spirituality; self-undoing; withdrawal; secret or hidden enemies.
PISCES – The 11th house: friends; networks; social circles; hopes and wishes.
Whatever you just read about is where you can expect the chance for massive changes. You can also expect big improvements, too, as the lucky planet Jupiter has recently arrived in this part of your chart. More info about that here.

But wait, there’s more!

As well as this once-a-generation Saturn/Pluto action, we also get an eclipse this month!

It’s a Full Moon eclipse and it’s taking place in the sign of Moonchild (aka Cancer).
Here’s what that means for you…

The Full Moon eclipse…

Lately, it’s been all about YOU. And guess what? That isn’t likely to change overnight. But the Full Moon eclipse in your 7th house of Other People and of Romance means it’s time for you to think less about yourself and what you want, and more about others and what they need. The Full Moon eclipse in your Love Zone (which this is) also marks the natural conclusion for relationships which have clearly reached their Use-By date. Compromise is crucial now, if you’re in a good relationship which is going through temporary troubles and delays. For some, closure on an ex is possible at last.

So what about 2020?…

Are you ready to discover the promises of the year ahead? What about the pressures? Click here for your free Promises and Pressures report!
Promises and pressures of 2020

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