Capricorn monthly horoscope – September 2018 - Yasmin Boland

You could be feeling quite restless this month and, as luck would have it, this is a good time for travelling. The New Moon will be taking place in your Travel Zone which makes it the ideal time to either get away or at least book your next trip. The thing to remember is that travel really does broaden the mind so even if it feels like a luxury, it’s also really good for you. If you’re depending on your parents to send you away on a trip, this is a good time to ask them to pony up the cash. And if you work and you’re hoping for a work trip, again, it’s a great time to broach the subject with your boss.

Also this month, take a moment to step back and see the big picture of your life. This is something we all need to do once a year at the very least – and this is always the right time of year to do it.

Being a Capricorn, you’re a hard worker and sometime you really do need to afford yourself some time out to smell the flowers and see how far you’ve come, if that’s not mixing metaphors too much!

This month could end up being a really important one for you thanks to a link from lucky Jupiter to Pluto in your sign. You’re in a massive and long term cycle of transformation anyway. And every now and then this process is really tough and then sometimes it’s easier. This month is should be easier! You can change your life with less effort.

With tedious Saturn now in your sign it’s really important to take your jollies when you can. Normally you will have to work really hard, at school or work, so grab the good times – and this month should bring some good times.

In particular, even if you’re working really hard, you social life looks quite promising this month so hang out with people whose company you love.

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