by Yasmin | Feb 13, 2021 | Blog, Cosmic Column
I’m writing this in December 2020. From where I sit now, there’s really no way of knowing exactly what’s going to be happening as we get to mid-February. I can tell you what the astrology says though; it says that we are still going to be feeling...
by Yasmin | Feb 6, 2021 | Blog, Cosmic Column
Fact; 2021 isn’t necessarily going to be all rainbows and unicorns. There are a lot of pieces that need picking up post the events of 2020 and now is the time for us to be doing this. Particularly when it comes to finances, there are going to be lots of...
by Yasmin | Jan 30, 2021 | Blog, Cosmic Column
This week kicks off with a rather fiery-looking clash between the sun, which is all about ego, and Mars, which is the planet of anger. So if you’re feeling as though but everyone’s picking on you, or you can’t stop yourself from picking on other...
by Yasmin | Jan 23, 2021 | Blog, Cosmic Column
Is it too early to debrief on the coronavirus, 2020 and mention what we can expect in 2021? Let’s have a go! In a nutshell, the coronavirus in 2020 was signified in the skies by three alignments between the planets Jupiter and Pluto. How so? Pluto is about mass...
by Yasmin | Jan 16, 2021 | Blog, Cosmic Column
Probably the ideal outcome from this week is to have a really romantic weekend that ends with you and your partner deciding to commit to each other even more. The second best outcome would be feeling inspired about a way make money and then taking steps to make it...
by Yasmin | Jan 9, 2021 | Cosmic Column
When you think of the sign of Capricorn, you don’t necessarily think of the word explosive or eruptive. Capricorn is a very traditional sign which is more concerned with doing things “properly” than exploding all over the place. However, this week,...