Cosmic Column Archives - Page 8 of 22 - Yasmin Boland
COSMIC COLUMN July 19 2020

COSMIC COLUMN July 19 2020

This week sees the New Moon in Cancer – the second we have had in a row. This one is a bit different though, because it’s asking us to push through whatever is holding us back. It’s taking place opposite the heavy-duty planet Saturn. Saturn is the planet...
COSMIC COLUMN July 12 2020

COSMIC COLUMN July 12 2020

Overall, there are two important things to remember this week. The first is that we are now out of the eclipse season – they are over for another six months, done and dusted. As you might have noticed, the past few weeks have been pretty crazy the world over. That was...
COSMIC COLUMN July 12 2020


Welcome to the new month! June was pretty intense, so what does July hold? Starting with this week, the big news is that Mercury retrograde ends on Sunday. In other words, if you’ve been feeling like you and the people you care most about haven’t really...
COSMIC COLUMN June 28 2020

COSMIC COLUMN June 28 2020

What a week ahead! Are you ready to be the best person you can be, out in the real world and/or at home in lockdown? Let’s hope so, because it’s the people who are doing their best who are going to get through this week in one piece, thanks to the...
COSMIC COLUMN June 28 2020

COSMIC COLUMN June 21 2020

This week sees the New Moon in Cancer – the second we have had in a row. This one is a bit different though, because it’s asking us to push through whatever is holding us back. It’s taking place opposite the heavy-duty planet Saturn. Saturn is the planet...
COSMIC COLUMN June 28 2020

COSMIC COLUMN June 14 2020

The Cosmic Column – for all the signs! Mercury goes retrograde this week – here’s a little bit about what that means (taken from my best-selling Hay House book The Mercury Retrograde Book.) Mercury Retrograde in a Water Sign (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces) You need...