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Aquarius Daily Horoscope – 10 July 2024

Aquarius Daily Horoscope – 10 July 2024

Life really is providing you with a mixed bag right now. So it’s to be expected if you’re feeling frazzled, daunted or even excited. Maybe it’s a combination of all of the above. One thing that is a bit of a mainstay that is also worth leaning into is abundant Jupiter...
Aquarius Daily Horoscope – 10 July 2024

Aquarius Daily Horoscope – 09 July 2024

Sometimes all you can do is smile and know that everything happens for a reason. This is the kind of attitude to adopt when all you can really do is laugh at the way the Universe works. Effort, toil and hard work are all so much easier to handle when you have a smile...

Aquarius Daily Horoscope – 08 July 2024

As a rule, you’re not renowned for being the feeling type. That doesn’t mean that you don’t have feelings, that’s certainly not true. However, you’re more logical than you are emotional. Today though, it will serve you and your relationship (including your...

Aquarius Daily Horoscope – 06 July 2024

If life feels as though it’s got you down a bit, it can feel really overwhelming. Looking at the big picture can feel as though there is just so much to do. So ask yourself, “how do you eat an elephant?” With one bite at a time. All you need to do today is keep your...
Aquarius Daily Horoscope – 10 July 2024

Aquarius Daily Horoscope – 05 July 2024

According to certain members of the medical profession, our minds do rule our bodies, as the New Agers would have us believe. Even the most straight-laced psychiatrists will tell you that that a stressed mind leads to a stressed body and disease (aka dis-ease). If...