by Yasmin Boland | 10 hours ago | Scorpio
As the Full Moon eclipse takes place in your 11th house, it’s time to look at the things you’ve been hoping and wishing for. Either it’s going to become clear how you can make it happen or it might be about to become clear that it’s a pipedream...
by Yasmin Boland | 1 day ago | Scorpio
Pretty soon the Sun will be changing signs and moving out of your Fifth House of Pleasure. So does this mean The Good Times are about to come to an end? Wellllll, yes and no. When the Sun does change signs, you can expect life to be more about Getting Through One Day...
by Yasmin Boland | 2 days ago | Scorpio
When it comes to having more joy in your life, make a choice to make it a priority. Maybe you want to indulge in a hobby on a regular basis – prioritise it! Perhaps you want to spend more time with children if you have them – then, prioritise it. This might mean you...
by Yasmin Boland | 3 days ago | Scorpio
When life feels confusing, overwhelming or you’re just trying to get through each day, it might feel like a stretch to commit to joy. Right now, that is what you are being asked to do. When it comes to having fun with those you love and doing more of what you love,...
by Yasmin Boland | 4 days ago | Scorpio
The people in your life and the company you keep is undergoing a process of renewal. This is due to the karmic South Node occupying your Friends Zone. You might be questioning the nature of some people in your life, including any groups or communities you’re involved...
by Yasmin Boland | 4 days ago | Scorpio, Weekly Scorpio
All you can do now is embrace the grind. Now is the time for you to rethink and revamp your daily life. Think about what’s most important to you. Are you working on that on a daily basis, and if not, why not? As they say, there’s no one coming to save us....