by Yasmin | Jan 1, 2023 | Capricorn, Monthly Capricorn
Many Capricorns have been getting back into health and wellness recently. If that’s you, congratulations. You’ve made the most of challenging energies. If the past months have simply been annoying and you’ve felt like you’ve been jogging on the spot,...
by Yasmin | Dec 1, 2022 | Monthly Capricorn
The New Moon this month is in Capricorn, bringing you your annual chance to start all over again. Don’t wait for January! Make changes now, so you can live the life you dream of. At home, life is going to be much cheerier. Family and flatmates will be easier to...
by Yasmin | Oct 31, 2022 | Capricorn, Monthly Capricorn
Weigh up what you really, really want. Do you want more free time? Are you willing to work a little bit harder, if that’s what it takes to achieve your professional goals? Is family your first priority at this point, and if so are you living your life...
by Yasmin | Sep 30, 2022 | Capricorn, Monthly Capricorn
Every time there’s a New Moon eclipse, there is one lucky sign that gets it in their 11th House aka their Wishing Zone. This time it’s you! Every New Moon is a chance to make wishes which are more likely to manifest but the New Moon eclipse there is that plus more....
by Yasmin | Sep 8, 2022 | Monthly Capricorn
You are an ambitious sign and like to plot out and plan your trajectory through life – which is a great thing. However, this month, there could be some rethinking required, especially when it comes to your brilliant career. Maybe one project is going to look...
by Yasmin | Jul 31, 2022 | Capricorn, Monthly Capricorn
There could be some dramas to do with your self-worth and/or your bank account (they are inextricably linked). The best attitude you can take is “whatever is happening now is happening because I need to learn a lesson!” On the plus side, if your finances...