by Yasmin | Nov 30, 2020 | Monthly Capricorn
It’s hard to overstate how much December is a turnaround time for you. Expect to get a metaphorical badge of honour for all that you have come through in the past two years. You have been through the astrological mill, but now all those tedious lessons you...
by Yasmin | Oct 31, 2020 | Monthly Capricorn
This is a major, pivotal month for everyone, but arguably for you more than anyone. It’s not the end of the year yet, but think about what in your life is doing you no good and needs to be released asap. That could be resentment and upset as much as anything...
by Yasmin | Sep 30, 2020 | Monthly Capricorn
Are you rethinking your attitude to work? If not, then dare I say, you probably should do! As October begins, you still have the planet of the mind, Mercury, reversing in your Career Zone. So it really is the time to reconsider your professional options, your career...
by Yasmin | Sep 4, 2020 | Monthly Capricorn
Overall things are going your way this month, even though it’s fair to say that you’re still in the eye of the celestial storm. If you want to really make the most of your stars and have good things happen to you, ask yourself this month “how can I...
by Yasmin | Jul 31, 2020 | Monthly Capricorn
Not going to sugar-coat it, this could be a rather intense month. You have a planetary stack-up in your sign and you could be feeling all your feelings, that’s for sure. However if you can keep a level head and live consciously as you go through the ups and...
by Yasmin | Jun 30, 2020 | Monthly Capricorn
This is a magical month for you – if you use it right. You could change your life in truly amazing ways. However, if you just cruise avoiding responsibility, another tedious round of tough lessons is likely. The first step to deal with all this is to decide what in...