by Yasmin | May 31, 2018 | Monthly Gemini
It’s a fine month is in store for you Geminis, as the Sun and ruler Mercury join forces in your sign. With your wit and charm at their peak you’ll be in your element holding court at parties exchanging ideas and funny anecdotes and making new acquaintances or...
by Yasmin Boland | Apr 29, 2018 | Monthly Gemini
A spiritual awakening awaits many a Gemini now and over the coming six months. Perhaps the past couple of years of hard graft have taught you that success means many different things, including being able to actually enjoy yourself. Whatever the case, stay open and...
by Yasmin Boland | Feb 17, 2018 | Monthly Gemini
Right now, when it comes to career, if it doesn’t inspire you, then there really is little point in doing it. You probably can’t do brilliantly if your heart isn’t in it, and that is going to lead to eventual trouble. This month’s New Moon in...