Monthly Libra Archives - Page 10 of 14 - Yasmin Boland
Libra Monthly Horoscope – May 2020

Libra Monthly Horoscope – May 2020

YOU COULD FEELING LIKE YOU’RE TREADING WATER IN MAY… Your planet Venus goes into a rare retrograde cycle this month, so you’re being asked to think back to the past – maybe you can finally get some perspective on how far you’ve come? (Pat yourself on...
Libra Monthly Horoscope – May 2020

Libra Monthly Horoscope – April 2020

EXPECT BIG CHANGES — THEY ARE COMING! There is a massive alignment in the skies this month between Pluto, which changes everything, and Jupiter, which makes everything better. Moreover, it’s taking place in your Home and Family Zone, so you can expect...
Libra Monthly Horoscope – May 2020

Libra Monthly Horoscope – March 2020

Good news; Saturn is leaving your Home Zone this month. In other words, life at home and/or with family is going to be way less taxing and demanding. If you feel like you have had to bear a burden for a family member, expect your load to lighten. All the better for...
Libra Monthly Horoscope – May 2020

Libra Monthly Horoscope – February 2020

For the time being, the monthly stars are shorter (and hopefully sweeter!) Have a great month! What you need to do now, dear Libra, is a get a bit of lovely cosmic-ness in your life. In other words, a daily spiritual practise, like meditating or doing yoga or...
Libra Monthly Horoscope – January 2020

Libra Monthly Horoscope – January 2020

Information for all the signs The good news is that 2020 is looking like a great year, overall. That said, it’s also going to kick off with some of the most incredible astrology the world has seen for decades. As you might have heard, January 2020 brings –...
Libra Monthly Horoscope – May 2020

Libra Monthly Horoscope – December 2019

If home and family life, or your personal life in general, has been a source of drama and intrigue for a very long time, breathe a sigh of relief. There are still going to be challenges to do with where you live and/or with family, however, the tide is definitely...