With things the way they are right now in the world, each New Moon shines out like a beacon to us all as the great new hope for the chance to start all over again. And this week brings a New Moon. It’s time to make your wishes.
But can this New Moon save us from the dramas of 2020?
The fact is that even with the best will in the world, when you look at the astrology, it seems we’ll be experiencing uncertain times until the end of the year.
Why? Astrologically, this pandemic seems very tied into the rare 2020 series of Jupiter/Pluto alignments. There was one in April, when it all kicked off around the world in earnest, another in June when we were given a brief lockdown respite, and the final one comes in November.
Jupiter/Pluto speaks of transformation and there is no doubt that this can be a time when we transform the world. However it’s also about lots of fear, and having death in the headlines.
Jupiter/Pluto is often implicated in pandemics. In 1347, as the bubonic plague reached its peak, Jupiter and Pluto were together in Aries. In 1918, Jupiter and Pluto were both in the sign of Cancer when the Spanish flu pandemic broke out. In 1981, when Jupiter and Pluto were both in Libra, the sign of partnership, we had the beginnings of HIV.
Looking at it through this lens, it seems we need to continue to be careful until at least mid-November, when we get the third and final of the current series of Jupiter/Pluto meet-ups, this time around in the sign of Capricorn. After that, they won’t meet up again for more than a decade. Hallelujah!