COSMIC COLUMN January 17 2021 - Yasmin Boland

Probably the ideal outcome from this week is to have a really romantic weekend that ends with you and your partner deciding to commit to each other even more. The second best outcome would be feeling inspired about a way make money and then taking steps to make it real.

That’s looking on the bright side. The fact is that the planet of love and abundance, Venus, is making a harmonious aspect to the planet of soul mates and dreams, Neptune this week. That really does augur well for end of the week romance and riches.

Just after this, we get the Sun, which acts as a spotlight in the skies, connecting with serious Saturn, the planet of concrete, hard facts and making things real. If you’re willing to put in the hard work, Saturn will help you find increased stability. in the context of this week’s alignments, it could well be that the “airy-fairy” ideas and dreams you have to do with love and/or money can be grounded, and made real, with some effort, thanks to the Sun/Saturn alignment.

Harness these energies by making time to sit down and daydream about your desires, especially on Friday evening, Saturday and Saturday night. Dreaming dreams with your partner or a good friend is doubly powerful as you will co-create. This is when more than one person imagines something into reality. You could even take turns at imagining each other’s best case scenarios.

This aside, it’s an up and down week. We are moving towards the Full Moon, so the energies are getting more and more intense. Create your dreams!

Yasmin Boland has created a limited edition, best-selling Moonology Diary for 2021. Grab your copy now before it sells out at