COSMIC COLUMN January 24 2021 - Yasmin Boland

Is it too early to debrief on the coronavirus, 2020 and mention what we can expect in 2021? Let’s have a go!

In a nutshell, the coronavirus in 2020 was signified in the skies by three alignments between the planets Jupiter and Pluto. How so? Pluto is about mass “plague-like” scenarios like the coronavirus, and Jupiter is the amplification planet.

Note that these two planets align in this way about every 13 years so there was no real way to predict with any certainty that there would be an international pandemic! However with the benefit of hindsight, it makes 100% sense.

In January and February 1918, when Spanish flu broke out, Jupiter and Pluto were together again.

In 1981, when Jupiter and Pluto aligned, HIV made itself know, leading to the AIDS crisis.

The first Jupiter/Pluto alignment 2020 in April kick-started the international lockdown in earnest. The second in June brought the next round of restrictions or easing of restrictions, depending on where you were in the world. Now the third and final Jupiter/Pluto alignment for 13 years, in December 2020, coincided with the announcement that vaccines are ready to be rolled out.

All this is quite a relief, because the astrology for 2021 isn’t straight-forward. In fact, in some ways the 2020 astrology was easier. However the worst-case scenario for 2021, which would have been 12 more months of restrictions and quarantine, don’t seem to be about to play about. In which case, it seems that 2021 is going to be all about picking up the financial pieces as life slowly returns to normal. Fingers crossed!

PS Full Moon on Friday! Join me for a free Full Moon ceremony via

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