This could be a truly magical week – no kidding! There is a wonderful and major alignment happening between Jupiter, the planet that amplifies, and Neptune, the planet of dreams, soulmates and poetry.
In other words, even though 2020 had had a lot to answer for so far, maybe something is finally shifting.
Maybe something is finally shifting
The best thing we can all do is … meditate! Really? Absolutely. And visualise. A lot!
Why? Because Neptune, which is being triggered by the good luck planet, is the energy we all need when we want to use our imagination to dream up a more beautiful life, a dream come true or romantic ideals. Yes, all that!
Maybe it’s time for the whole human race to start dreaming up a better way for us all to be. Have we changed after the events of 2020? Are you going to transcend our old ways and envision something more uplifting?
If ever there were a week to do it, this is it! Let’s join together!
We are now moving towards the Full Moon which comes next week. In other words, we are slap bang in the so-called Waxing Cycle – nothing to do with waxing, it’s all about taking inspired action towards your dreams. Once we get the Full Moon next week, then you can breathe out. Don’t miss out!
Our astrologer Yasmin Boland would like to invite you to a free Big Imagination Meditation event on July 27. It’s going to be all about you spending time thinking about what you want in your life – which is the first step to manifesting it. Get free access via moonmessages.com/wd