COSMIC COLUMN May 10 2020 - Yasmin Boland

The Cosmic Column – for all the signs!

Your weekly look at the astrological weather for the week ahead.

This week sees a relatively rare astrological phenomena taking place. I’m sure that if you’re into astrology, you will have heard about Mercury retrograde? That happens about four times a year.

In this case, what’s happening is that the planet of love and abundance, Venus, is going retrograde. So yes, we have Venus retrograde and it’s happening this week. (It only happens every 18 months).

Whenever planet goes backwards, anything related to that planet is stalled or turned in on itself. In this case, it has various ramifications.

Venus, as I mentioned, is the planet of love and abundance. Right now she is going to be going backwards in the sign of Gemini. That means wherever you have the sign of Gemini in your chart (and we all have Gemini somewhere), you get Venus for an extra long stay. That’s the upside. The downside is you may go through a period of wondering how much anything related to that part of your chart really matters to you. This in itself is not a bad thing to wonder about but it can tug on the heart strings, as you go through the process.

It’s not the idea time to make large purchases if you can help it.
Let’s run through where that is for you. Remember to read your rising sign if you know it! (Don’t know your Rising Sign? Click here to find it out for free.)


You’re getting a chance to re evaluate the way you’re communicating. If you know you haven’t been kind enough to the people in your life lately, now is the time to take back any harsh words you said, or try again, in terms of communicating how much you care about them. More? Check out my free Venus retrograde course here.


Because Venus is your ruling planet, it means you need to slow down a little bit. It also means you have a very good chance of making money on projects you started some time ago. However it can also mean delays in money coming through. Check out my free Venus retrograde course here.


Venus is retrograding in your sign, so your whole life is going to be up for re evaluation. It’s time for you to work out what really matters to you. No matter if you’re a key worker and have been working throughout the whole coronavirus situation, or you have been in lockdown like the rest of us, it’s time for you to work out what really matters to you. Once you’ve worked that out, what decisions are you going to make? Check out my free Venus retrograde course here.


Venus retrograde is taking place in your 12th house which is connected to, amongst other things, your spirituality. Also, are you the spiritual type? If you’re reading this, you probably have at least a small connection to the idea that we are part of something “bigger” than us. Now is the time to weigh up your feelings about spiritual life. Also a time when fears about money can resurface.
Check out my free Venus retrograde course here.


Venus retrograde is taking place in your 11th house. Given that this retrograde is almost certainly going to be taking place while many of us are still in quarantine, it suggests you will be re evaluating who really matters to you. Maybe you really missed some people during lockdown … and maybe you didn’t. Check out my free Venus retrograde course here.


The Venus retrograde this time around is taking place in your 10th house, which is the part of your chart which is all about career. It could be related to delayed payments professionally, but this could also be a time when you are weighing up your values in terms of your working life. How hard are you willing to work for the money that you earn? Check out my free Venus retrograde course here.


Like Taurus, Venus is your ruling planet. So Venus retrograde is it time for you to weigh up pretty much everything in your life. It may well be that the lockdown has shown you that you value certain people or certain things more than you realise. You’re also getting a chance to weigh up what really matters to you when it comes to travel, study, adventure comma and education. Check out my free Venus retrograde course here.


Venus retrograde is taking place in your 8th House of sex and money. For you it’s a chance to have a think about what really matters to you when it comes to sex and money, what do you really value comma and what do you now know doesn’t really matter to you that much after all. Check out my free Venus retrograde course here.


Venus retrograde is taking place in your love zone. This is big news because it suggests that you are thinking again , or rather, going over your feelings again, when it comes to your most important relationships. It sounds like lockdown has taught you somethings you need to weigh up. You could feel more distant from your partner than usual, too. Check out my free Venus retrograde course here.


Venus retrograde in your 6th house suggests you can go back to old health routines that used to work for you, especially when it comes to looking good naked! Hopefully this means that by the time you read this we will be out of lockdown. however if not, think about what really matters to you on a daily basis and make sure you’re getting enough of it. Check out my free Venus retrograde course here.


Venus retrograde is taking place in your 5th house, which is all to do with romance, fun, children comma and creativity. Is a very good time to go back over a creative project, if you and your children have been doing it tough during lockdown, it’s a chance to do things right this time around. Check out my free Venus retrograde course here.


Venus retrograde is taking place in your 4th house. It’s actually a classic time to redecorate, if you can manage to get the tools and supplies you need, presuming we are still in lockdown by the time you read this. It’s also a really good time to get back in touch with family members. If we’re out of lockdown, that’s just perfect. Check out my free Venus retrograde course here.

Want to know more about Venus retrograde?

Check out my free Venus retrograde course here. At the end of it, you will be offered access to my full-length course.

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