COSMIC COLUMN May 17 2020 - Yasmin Boland

The Cosmic Column – for all the signs!

Your weekly look at the astrological weather for the week ahead.

This week’s New Moon in Gemini brings the time of the year to manifest better communications.

It also brings a potentially confusing Mercury/Venus/Neptune clash which pretty much assures us that some things are going to be as clear as mud!

We can also expect confusion in love, about money and pretty much everything else!

So what to do?

Understand that sometimes life is just confusing and there’s nothing we can do about it.

Believe that at these times we need to keep the faith that all shall be well.

Remember that life is constantly unfolding, and even if you’re not sure what’s coming next, you soon will be.

Meditate, meditate, meditate. At the very least, it will calm a troubled mind.

Speak your truth. If you’re honest, you’re halfway there.

Join the (free) Moon Lite Club and work with the New Moon energies.

During this week, remember that the words we say create our lives and they have incredible power.

At this New Moon in Gemini, it should be obvious where you have room for improvement in terms of how well (or not!) you’re getting your message across to those you most want to hear it.

CV Meditation - Below Post