A great week to … celebrate the New Moon - Yasmin Boland

A great week to … celebrate the New Moon

New Moon in Taurus

The key energies of this Moon are:

Excitement • Motivation • Abundance • Inspiration

New Moon times around the world
London 11 May 19:59 21:17
Sydney 12 May 04.59 21:17
Los Angeles 11 May 11:59 21:17
New York 11 May 14:59 21:17

This looks like a very positive New Moon, you’ll be glad to hear.

It’s in the sign of Taurus, which is all about abundance, among other things.

If you’re making your New Moon wishes every month then well done, you.

An abundance portal…

This New Moon is a great one for intentions. It opens up an abundance portal, so to speak, so there’s a chance to create a new level of prosperity.

This particular New Moon in Taurus has extra ‘astrological medicine’ to offer as it’s connected to the planet of the Divine, Neptune. Already that’s a good thing. It elevates the energies. The. Planet. Of. The. Divine.

So, meditate your way through this if you want to create more abundance in your life. We’re all able to tap into prosperity – we just need to know that we’re worth it.

Check in on your self-worth

Taurus rules the 2nd House on the ‘natural’ astrology chart, and as such it’s a great time to check in on your self‑worth.

No one is going to advise you to overrate yourself, but do rate yourself highly – then others will do the same.

As you make your wishes, tap into your self‑worth and see if you need to value yourself (or someone else) a little more from here on in.

This week’s column comes from my sold-out Moonology Diary 2021. Want to reserve your copy of the 2022 one before it’s all gone too? Click here.