[Eclipse today] This is BIG! - Yasmin Boland

The eclipse today is big!

Not only is it a New Moon, but it’s a New Moon eclipse, plus it’s the second New Moon in the sign of Aries in a row… and it’s clashing with Pluto.

Let’s break all that down.

As you hopefully know by now, every New Moon brings an amazing chance to start all over again in one part of your life. Which part of your life that is depends on where in your chart it’s activating. (You can find that out for free with this little guide).

A New Moon eclipse, however, is all that and more.

A New Moon eclipse is way more powerful than a regular New Moon. This one is making what’s called an out‑of‑sign alignment with the planet of detox and transformation, Pluto. So it’s urging us to release the past to make room for what we want in our present and our future, and is a great opportunity to make change from the inside out.

It’s a super important lunation so make sure you join me on Facebook (visit www.moonmessages.com/fbevents) for a New Moon ritual.

This New Moon has themes of releasing, letting go and flushing away anything that no longer serves your highest good.

The fact that it’s the second Aries New Moon in a row means that you’ve had two New Moons in a row in the same part of your chart – you could see this second New Moon in Aries as a second chance.

Click here for info about how to work out where it’s hitting you

A Second Chance…

Find out where in your chart the New Moon eclipse will be taking place here. Bearing in mind that eclipses are an opportunity to get off the wrong path and onto the right one, what does this mean for you?

Grab your journal and make some notes about how you plan to use this second chance for a restart in this part of your life. Just write freely for a good 10 minutes. If you don’t like to write, you could record your thoughts on your phone.

Want some support and help working with this eclipse? Come to my New Moon Eclipse Alchemy workshop TODAY and learn how to turn this eclipse into gold… If you can’t make the live, you will receive a replay…

Chakra Chant - Below Post