Truth bomb; eclipses can be intense! - Yasmin Boland

Life can be tough at times, it’s true.

While there is nearly always someone or something to be grateful for, sometimes we just feel like we’re up against it.

For my money, having studied the matter for more than 20 years, I would says that no time is more intense or challenging than during an eclipse, if the eclipse is hitting your chart…

…in order words if it’s taking place on your Sun or Moon in particular or one of your horoscopes angles.


These powerful celestial events which come along up to seven times a year, can stir up intense emotions and disrupt the energy of our lives.

Although we might end up feeling lost or confused, remember that what happens during an eclipse is usually for the best in the long run, no matter how hard that may be to believe at the time!

Eclipses often act as portals to the life that our soul needs us to lead.

Sometimes, we wander off the path that our soul has chose for us, and an eclipse can help us realign with our true purpose and set us back on course.

This can be a hard or even painful process; we may need to confront our deepest fears and limitations. It’s ultimately for our own growth and evolution, though.

During an eclipse, it’s important to live as consciously as possible.

Look at where you are clinging onto someone or something you clearly should release.

Try to see SOME good in whatever is happening, even if it doesn’t make sense at the time.

Of course, this is not always possible but hopefully, if you’re struggling right now, you can find some bright side.

Trust in the Divine and know that everything is happening for a reason that you may not understand yet but may do in the fullness of time.

By embracing the transformative energy of the eclipse and living consciously, we can emerge from this powerful time stronger, wiser, and more aligned with our true purpose.

So if you’re feeling lost or confused during the upcoming eclipse season, know that you’re not alone. Trust in the process and have faith that the universe is guiding you toward the life that your soul needs you to lead.

If you’re wondering how you’re going to fare this eclipse, take our free quiz and find out!

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