Embrace the Full Moon: The Power of Letting Go for Manifestation

Manifestation requires both creation and destruction.

This might sound counterintuitive, but it’s a fundamental truth. As we move towards the Full Moon, we’re given a powerful opportunity to release what’s no longer serving us and make room for what we truly desire. The Full Moon is the perfect time to break down and release what’s not working in order to build something better.

The Full Moon, is all about letting go, releasing, and shedding. It’s a time when the energy of the Moon peaks and then starts to decrease, encouraging us to look inward and identify areas in our lives that need clearing out. This can be physical clutter, emotional baggage, or outdated beliefs that hinder our progress.

Clearing Out Clutter

Both physical and emotional clutter can block the flow of energy needed for manifesting our desires. Use the Full Moon to declutter your living space, letting go of items that no longer bring joy or serve a purpose. This act of physical clearing often leads to a mental and emotional lightness, creating a more conducive environment for new opportunities to enter.

Releasing Fears and Doubts

Fear of letting go keeps us stuck in old patterns. The Full Moon also supports releasing these fears and doubts that sabotage our manifesting journey. Acknowledge your fears and understand that they are part of the process. Embrace the discomfort, knowing it’s a sign of growth and transformation.

Forgiveness and Letting Go of Grudges

Holding onto grudges and past hurts blocks your energy and prevents you from moving forward. The Full Moon (and the Waning Cycle) is the perfect time for forgiveness, not just for others but for yourself. Letting go of these negative emotions frees up space for positive manifestations and brings a sense of peace and liberation.

Embracing Change and Sacrifice

Change often requires sacrifice. At the Full Moon, reflect on what you need to let go of to create space for something greater. It might be a toxic relationship, a dead-end job, or even a limiting belief about your own potential. Sacrificing the good for the great is a powerful step towards manifesting your deepest desires. We will do this together at our Full Moon ceremony.

Shifting from Scarcity to Abundance

A scarcity mindset can significantly hinder your ability to manifest abundance. Use the Full Moon to release limiting beliefs about money, success, and self-worth. Trust that by letting go of these constraints, you open up to the infinite possibilities the universe has to offer.

The Cycle of Creation and Destruction

Manifestation is a cyclical process that involves both creation and destruction. The Full Moon is a powerful reminder that sometimes things must peak and start to break down before they can be rebuilt. Embrace this natural cycle and trust that the destruction phase is paving the way for something better.

The Full Moon: Letting Go and Moving On

As we approach the Full Moon, the energy reaches its peak, offering a final push to let go and move on. The Full Moon is a time of culmination and release. We will get together to perform a Full Moon ritual to acknowledge what we are letting go of and set intentions for what we want to manifest. Write down what you wish to release and burn the paper, symbolizing the final release of old patterns and welcoming new beginnings.


The journey the Full Moon is one of introspection, release, and renewal. By letting go of what no longer serves us, we make space for new, positive manifestations. Embrace the transformative energy of the Full Moon, clear the path for your dreams, and move forward with the clarity and purpose brought by this stage of the lunar cycle.Remember, creation often requires destruction. Trust the process, and allow the Moon to guide you towards a brighter, more fulfilling future.

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